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타운 유익정보

자료가 없습니다.

영어훈련노트 21강



제21강; 일반동사 문장늘이기[언어 용량 키우기 훈련]



[ 일반동사]


1. I go, do you go?

2. I went, did you go?

3. I will go , will you go?

4. I don’t go, don’t you go?

5. I didn’t ,didn’t you go?

6. I won’t go, won’t you go?

7. I go, don’t you go?

8. I went, didn’t you go?

9. I will go, won’t you go?

10. I don’t go, do you go?

11. I didn’t go, did you go?

12. I will not go, won’t you go?

13. He goes, does she go?

14. He went, did she go?

15. He will go, will she go?

16. He doesn’t go, does she go?

17. He didn’t go, did she go?

18. He will not go, will she go?

19. He doesn’t go, doesn’t she go?

20. He didn’t go, didn’t she go?

21. He will not go, won’t she go?

22. They go, do you go?

23. They went, did you go?

24. They will go, won’t you go?

25. They didn’t go, did you go?

26. They didn’t go, did you go?

27. They won’t go, will you go?

28. They won’t go to Korea, will you go to Korea?

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