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대학 입시에 있어 AP 시험이 중요할까?


Are they really care? The answer is 'YES~'


So you’re taking AP classes and getting ready for AP exams, but you’re wondering if they’re worth all the stress and difficulty they might be adding to your school year. Do colleges even care anymore?!


We get it. The college admissions landscape is changing constantly, and it can be difficult to keep up with what aspects of your high school career matter most.


The truth is, these days high grades don't necessarily mean content mastery.


Why? Grade inflation has become a worsening issue, meaning straight As are not as valuable a reflection on true school success.


That’s where your APs come in to save the day.


AP exams give you the chance to prove your true understanding of a subject, and showcase your skills and strength as a student on your college applications.


So, yes. APs definitely still matter in 2024.


점점 심해지는 성적 인플레이션 상황에 AP 점수는 객관적 학업 능력의 변별력과 가늠이 되어 줍니다.

대학 지원에 있어 기본이 되는 GPA와 그 수치를 증명하고 확인해 주는 AP 시험의 최대 결과를 위해 5월 시험에 최선을 다하세요.

도움이 필요하시면 YES-FLEX Prep에 상담하세요.

AP Cal

AP Eng & Lit



AP Chem

AP Bio

AP Physics

그 외 과목도 문의 환영합니다.
