미들스쿨 학생들에게 주어지는 무료 코딩 클래스


비영리 단체에서 주관하여 중학생들에게 코딩 수업을 통하여 웹싸이트 만드는 법을 가르치고

주변 스몰 비지니스의 웹싸이트 만들어 주는 프로젝트에 참여할수 있는 귀한 기회입니다.

이미 경험 해본 학생들은 한결같이 너무 재미있고 많은걸 배웠다고 입을 모아 칭찬합니다.

좋은 기회 놓치지 마시고 참여 시키기 바랍니다.


Hello Parents and Students!

Thank you for signing up for Project Falcon! We are excited to get this program rolling. As a reminder, Project Falcon is Elevate the Future’s HTML and CSS program. During this course, students will learn HTML, CSS, and what makes a good website. Please make sure to confirm your signup by responding to this email as soon as possible. This is crucial to making sure we have room for all the registered students. If you cannot make the class, please let me know as soon as possible.

Behind the scenes, we will be working with small business owners to set up a website for them.

And at the end of the course, students and instructors will work together to create a portion of the small business’s website. Students are getting a real application of the learned skills in addition to a chance to help the community. 

Soon after the program, students will get to see their code, running live on this business’s website!

Classes will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 5:00 to 6:30 pm PST. Here is an information document about how to get ready for the program; Please make sure your student has the prerequisite hardware and software set up. Additionally, we also have a Google Drive with more resources that will become relevant as we go through the course.

Here is how your student will join the first class!

Main Room: https://meet.google.com/fja-mrxd-gcp


Looking forward to seeing you all!

Tanay Biradar

Vice Director of Project Falcon

Elevate the Future
