새로운 형태의 신학기 시작에 따르는 조언

새로운 모습과 형태의 학기가 시작되었습니다.
효율적이던 아니던 주어진 상황에서 최선을 다하여야 하고
결과를 위한 노력을 해야 합니다.
도움이 될 tips을 알려드립니다.
1. Stay organized. 수업 시간중의 수업 환경은 물론 학업에 필요한 도구들, 그리고 일상을 관리 할수 있는 앱들을 최대한 효율적으로 사용하기. 
Physical organization leads to mental organization. Create an independent workspace free of clutter and distraction for schoolwork. Keep the space stocked with books, computer, pens, paper, and other supplies. Label folders to hold papers and notes for each subject. On the computer, create electronic folders for each class. "Multi-tasking" does not work; students should not work on their bed, in front of the TV, while texting, or while playing video games.
2. Keep a schedule. 시간 관리는 많은 것을 수월하게 도와줍니다. 일상의 스케쥴을 한곳에서 볼 수 있도록 정리하고 관리하는 것이 좋습니다.  Planner나 구글 칼린더등을 활용하면 좋습니다.
Schedule all classes, individual appointments, and assignment due dates into a calendar--either electronic or paper. If students do not have a set school schedule, they should create their own. Make sure to schedule time for lunch, breaks, exercise, etc. Creating a structured, consistent routine helps students stay organized, reduces stress and anxiety, and makes them more productive. Big projects should be broken into small, manageable parts, each with its own deadline. "To do" lists with items ranked in order of urgency can also be helpful. 
3.  Communicate with teachers. 문제가 있으면 주저말고 선생님에게 연락 하고 카운슬러와도 상담에 주저없기를 조언합니다. 학교도 현 상황에서의 문제를 인식하고 있으며 가능하면 학생과 학부모를 도와주고자 합니다.

Students, parents, and teachers, should remain in regular contact to understand expectations and make sure that kids don't fall behind. Regular dialogue can eliminate confusion and help students succeed.
 Communications can take any form: emails, texts, phone calls or private videoconferences on Zoom. If students need help, they should reach out for assistance. 
4.  Supplement the curriculum. 학업에 도움되는 참고서 혹은 유튜브등의 활용을 추천합니다. 
Need help or more explanation of a subject?  There are dozens of credible resources. Students can find instructional videos and information on trusted websites which cover subjects such as trigonometry, US history, art history, and AP Literature. 
5. Set personal goals. 목표의 설정은 결과에 대한 성취감을 맛보게 함은 물론 그 과정에서도 시간과 노력의 낭비를 막아줍니다.  목표는 작은것, 성취가능한 것을 포함하여야 합니다.        
Goals for students may include what they want to accomplish, in both the short and long term. A student can choose to ace a class, get a certain grade point average, or achieve a particular score on the SAT or ACT. Working on college admissions should also be on the list. Make sure goals include smaller, achievable, measurable goals, such as completing a chapter of required reading or writing an outline for an assignment. Achieving any goal can bring feelings of satisfaction.  
6. Exercise. 틈틈이 운동을 통한 여유를 가져보기 바랍니다.  기분뿐 아니라 두뇌 활동에도 도움이 됩니다. 뒷뜰에 나가기, 동네 한바퀴 산보하기, 자전거 타기등, 그외 유튜브에 virtual exercise class도 활용해 보세요

Physical exercise keeps bodies and brains healthyboosting mood, energy, and brainpower. Students can stay active by walking, running, bicycling, swimming, or taking a virtual exercise class. Many online exercise videos are available on social channels like YouTube.

7.  Stay positive. 이것도 경험이라 생각하고 희망적인 태도로 받아들이기 바랍니다.

Thriving in online courses is tough but doable with a positive attitude! 
