대학 지원서및 에세이: 비교 불가, 전문가적 도움 제공합니다

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Essay Advice from University Admission Officers

A college application essay is your opportunity to share something meaningful about yourself. Tell your story in your own voice and in your own words. Here is what admissions officers say about the essay.

 대학의 입학 사정관들이 전하는 에세이에 대한 메세지입니다. 무엇을 원하는지 읽혀지시나요??

University of Michigan Assistant Director of Admissions, Kim Bryant

“This is your interview. Let me know who you really are. I like it when I can hear a student’s voice.”


Santa Clara University Admissions Officer, Lorenzo Gamboa

“Students do not need to compile an entire season into an essay. Just give us one place, one time, one moment, and that will do it for you. The key is to show genuine passion, commitment and that they have what it takes to survive at the school.”


Johns Hopkins University Assistant Director of Admissions, Calvin Wise

“I never run into a colleague’s office and say ‘look at this 4.0 GPA.’ I will run into an office with a good essay to share; that excites me.”


Rice University Senior Associate Director for Admission, Tamara Siler

“Students think it has to be a discussion of their most traumatic experiences. If you have a relatively peaceful existence, that is fine.”


Brown University Assistant Director of Admissions, Matt Price

(We read essays looking for) “someone who gives us insight into who they are, not what they think we want to see.”


Michigan State University Director of Admissions, Jim Cotter


“Most of the essays I read are boring. The ones that stand out really make a difference, especially at the more selective schools.”



자녀의 인생에 있어 중요한 다음 단계를 결정할 대학 입시 지원.

전문가의 관점에서 

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제대로 된 서비스를 받아보세요.


샌디에고의 카운슬링 전문 학원.

학부모들이 추천하는 양심적인 학원.

실력있고 경험많은 카운슬러들과 에세이 선생님들을

각 학생에 맞추어 원장이 배정하고 직접 관리해 드립니다.


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