
SAT 과외 합니다!!그룹과외고 가능합니다

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3월14일/5월2일/6월 6일 진행하는 SAT 1심험준비를 해줄수있는 과외선생입니다.

저는 동부 아이비리그 다트머스 대학 (Dartmouth College) 정치/영문학 전공한 2015년졸업생입니다. 

지난 4년동안 학원및 과외 경험이 있어 이글을 올립니다.

SAT Critical Reading과 Writing에 집중하여 점수를 최대한 올려줄수 있는 실력이 있습니다. 개인 점수는 CR 790, Writing 800입니다. 필요하신 분에겐 Official Score Report을 보내들수 있습니다.

필요하시면 그룹과외도 가능합니다. 2-4명 그룹까지 가르칠수있습니다. 

관심있으신 분들은 댓글을 달아주던지 603-276-9820아니면 kim.tae.b@gmail.com으로 연락주세요. 과외는 저희 집 (Poway)에서 진행하고, 저를 픽업할실수 있는경우에는 학생 집에서 과외가능합니다.  시간당 35불 생각하시면 됩니다.

혹시 AP English Literature/Language, US, World, European History과목의 과외도 가능합니다. 연락주세요!!



I am a private tutor available for hire for the upcoming SAT test in March, along with the sessions held in May and June.

I am a Government and English Lit Major from Dartmouth College, Class of 2015. My focus was on Political Though and Public Law, along with Classical Literature (Greek and non-Western Classics)

I have had extensive teaching experience in both Korean hagwons (in Korea for two years, as I went to HS in Korea) and as a private tutor, which makes me a perfect match for your son or daughter who needs help succeeding in the standardized tests administered by ETS. As a teacher, I focus not only on the subject matter, but the methodology with which one takes the test. In other words, I will teach your student how to take tests effectively, without wasting their time. 

Group rates are available for students who want to study in groups. Please inquire for discounts.

My specialties lie in any humanities subject, particularly the SAT Critical Reading and Writing sections. I have scored 790 and 800, respectively, on the subjects, and have the utmost confidence that I can teach your student to do the same, if not better. Please request a copy of my Official Score Report for confirmation.

Also, if your student is taking the AP subject test in English Literature, English Language, US History, World History, or European History, I can help them out with those subjects as well, having gotten 5's across the board in those subjects.

My place of residence is in Poway, which will be the location of the tutoring sessions, as transportation is limited for me. We can set up an arrangement should you choose to do the tutoring at your place of residence, or a third party venue. Tutor rates are 35/hour, 30/hour if you can pick me up and drop me off for the session.

If you are interested, please leave a comment below, or contact me at 603-276-9820/ kim.tae.b@gmail.com

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