
monthyl ticket

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monthyl ticket을 사려고 하는데요.
이런 것이 여기 샌디에고에도 있는가요?
어디서 얼마나 주면 살 수 있지요??
글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
샌디 2005.02.01  
다운타운 그레이하운드 버스터미널 옆에 Transit center에서 팔아요.
VisitMTS 2005.02.01  
Please visit MTS (San Diego Bus Company) at <a href="http://www.sdcommute.com/Rider_Information/Fares/Index.asp#bus"> http://www.sdcommute.com/Rider_Information/Fares/Index.asp#bus </a>

Basic fares for montly ticket are :
Regional Monthly Passes:
Good on MTS & NCTD vehicles.

$58.00-good for rides up to $2.25 fare, including all Local and Urban Buses, 992 Airport Shuttle, and the San Diego Trolley.

$64.00-good for rides up to $2.50 fare, including all services listed above as well as routes 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 150, 210, 830, 980, 960, and 990.

$84.00-good for all rides up to $4.00 fare, including all services listed above as well as Commuter Express Routes 810, 820, 850, 860, and 870.

You will find more detail on their website.
