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제 6회 취업박람회

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2017년 제 6회 취업박람회


주최: Chairwoman Michelle Steel, Orange County Board of Supervisors  &  Hiringfair Foundation.

일시: 2015년 5월 19일 오전10시~ 오후 5시까지

장소: OC Fair &  Event Center(Costa Mesa Building)

          88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, CA 92626


참여업체: SM엔터테인먼트, 롯데주류, 롯데호텔, 롯데 케미칼, 대한항공, 게임빌, H마트, 

                아시아나 항공, 엑스본, CBB은행,뱅크오브호프, Clay Lacy Avation, GS LOVE, 농심, 

                야미바이,소호패션, 코트라, US 뱅크외에 미국 정부기관등 100개 이상의 업체 참여

참가신청: www.hiringfair.org  (무료티켓, 무료파킹)

행사:  1:1 면접, 취업 세미나, 이력서 작성 워크샵, 증명사진 촬영

경품: 아시아나 왕복 항공권, 아이패드 미니, Fitbit, Amazon Firestick, 삼성 Gear 360, sea World 티켓, 아마존 에코, Chargers 리미티드 볼, 멍멍따숍 기프트카드, 야미바이 기프트카드


행사 진행 봉사자 모집:  http://jobkoreausa.com/work/employ_detail.html?no=17677


The 6th Annual Hiring Fair will have the participation of 100+ OC cities & govt. agencies, major corporations and businesses, and local organizations. We highly encourage everyone to come out for an opportunity to meet and interview with hundreds of employers in various job industries from all over SoCal. ENTRY-LEVEL to EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT positions available!

Admission to the event is FREE. Parking is FREE. 
Pre-register @ Eventbrite & SHARE this EVENT!

Co-hosted by: Chairwoman Michelle Steel, OC Board of Supervisors & Hiringfair Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Promoted by: JobKoreaUSA, JobChinaUSA, JobAsiaUSA

<Contact Us>
Phone: 213-221-4040
Email: info@hiringfair.org
Official Website: www.hiringfair.org

* For volunteer opportunities, please apply through the link below.

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