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참고 2006.10.30  
감을 무척 드시고 싶으신것 같아 서치해보았어요.
signonsandiego.com에서 찾아냈습니다.

Pick your own

Those who love Fuyus flock to the Murty Fuyu Farm in Fallbrook for the U-pick season, which runs from November through late December or early January.

Kate and Richard Murty have about 500 Fuyu trees on their spread east of Interstate 15. Folks come to their farm and pick as many persimmons as they want for 70 cents a pound. Pickers are supplied with bags and clippers, advice on how to tell which persimmons are prime for picking, and suggestions on how to use Fuyus.

The Murtys have become major Fuyu boosters since purchasing the already established farm 51/2 years ago when Kate retired after 20 years as a junior high school teacher in Logan Heights and Dick retired after 33 years on the production staff at Channel 10.

The couple lived in University City and were looking for a quieter, more countrified lifestyle. But retirement on the Fuyu farm isn't exactly a life of leisure for the Murtys, who took on their new vocation with enthusiasm.

"We had a lot to learn about raising Fuyus," said Kate Murty, who has tried her hand at making everything from wine to stir-fries with the persimmons.

They quickly became involved in the California Fuyu Growers group, and they work with the San Diego County Office of Education to provide a "What in the World is a Fuyu?" lesson module. The farm supplies teachers with Fuyus, which students can sample and write about.

The Murtys were also selected as participants in the Bountiful Valley Farm at Disney's California Adventure, a 21/2-acre working farm that celebrates Golden State agriculture. The Murtys were featured in the theme park's Farmers Expo exhibit, a salute to 13 outstanding California farmers.

For information on visiting the Murty Fuyu Farm, call (760) 728-7822 or check out the Web site at www.fuyufarm.com.