
운전면허증 갱신관련 질문이요

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오늘 가입하고 운전 면허증 갱신관련 하여 질문드리려고 합니다.

운전 면허증 만료가 2005년 12월이었습니다.

만료전 다른곳으로 이주했다가 얼마전에 다시 왔는데, 운전면허를 다시 갖어야 하는데, 2005년12월로 기간이 만료된 운전면허증으로 갱신이 가능한지요?

갱신이 가능하다면 어떤 절차및 서류가 필요한가요? 그리고 갱신 비용도?

갱신이 불가능하다면 운전 면허증을 취득하기 위해 처음 운전면허를 취득할때와 같은 절차를 밟아야 하는지요?

본 관련내용에 아시는분 조언좀 해주세요.


글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
info 2010.10.05  
Expired CA Drivers License

It’s illegal to drive with an expired driver license. You could get ticketed if you happen to be pulled over.

There are no extra CA DMV fees for having an expired license, however.

Go in and renew the drivers license. If your current address is on file with the DMV, you should have received a renewal notice in the mail. This renewal notice tells you whether or not a written test is required this time.

If you didn’t get a renewal notice, contact the DMV and make an appointment to get your license renewed, or ask the agent if you can still renew by mail or online.

Remember, if you’re required to take the written test, take some practice tests to brush up on your road rules knowledge. These tests are free at the DMV Web site, or you can buy longer tests for a small fee from an online drivers ed company.