
김일도 0 2499
I'm a current student at Harvard University. I am offering editing/consulting services for high school seniors for very reasonable rates. I offer unlimited edits/consulting for a set price per month. (*대학교 지원서 아니라도 다른 에세이들 다 도와드릴수 있습니다) 제 학생들은 Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Swarthmore, Williams, Rice, Amherst, Berkeley 등등에 합격했습니다. Ivy schools such as Harvard, Yale and University of Pennsylvania sent me handwritten notes praising the quality of my essays. I have full knowledge of how Harvard admission processes work behind the scenes. 관심있으시면 eldokim@college.harvard.edu 로 연락해주세요. 신속한 답장드립니다.
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