
Korean/English fluent children/parents/adults for video shoot!

LJG 2 1402


I work for an advertising agency, LJG Partners, (http://ljg.com/) in downtown San Diego (Little Italy) and we are looking for fluent Korean/English children/parents/adults for our upcoming video shoot! We are finalizing our talent search ASAP, so please let me know if you or anyone you know if interested!


Here's more info about the shoot!


We will be shooting the internal video the 4th week of August or 1st week of September, we should hopefully know a solid shooting date soon. Everything for the video will be shot in 1 day and we would only need those participating for about 2 hours. 


For our video, we are looking for fluent Korean/English children (approximately 6-10 years old), parents, and adults. In the video, the children will need to carry on a fluent conversation about shopping in Korean. There will be no need for the adults to speak, the children will be the only ones speaking in the video. The adults will just need to casually walk around, maybe clap, and show some excitement, but will not have to interact directly with the camera. The internal video will be highly confidential, only shown to about 10 companies, and will never be shown publicly. The cut video will be approximately 3.5-4 minutes long. $300/per person will be provided for those involved in the video shoot!


We are currently gathering head shots ASAP! If you know anyone else that would be interested, please send an email along with a headshot of each individual that would like to be included. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or if you know anyone that would love to be a part of our video, feel free to forward all of this info to anyone!


Thanks so much! -Lisa





Lisa Miller | Designer



LJG Partners, Inc.


680 West Beech Street


San Diego, California 92101


p. 619.232.3000


d. 619.694.4848











글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
이메일 2013.08.19  
이쪽으로 보내시면 될것 같습니다.
kzg 2013.08.16  
Can you give us the exact email address for sending our pictures?