
Sales 전문 (타주, 해외..) & 총무업무 담당자 ●●● 파격 보너스!!

WIGUSA 0 1626

Wig USA Inc.는 백인용 Wig 관련 제품을 Wholesale 하는 전문회사입니다.

1. Sales Position

미국전역의 Wig 관련 Retailer, Sales Channel 등에 제품소개및 영업 업무를 담당하실 능력있는분을 모십니다.

미전역, 해외 출장에 문제없으시고, 영업업무 경력이 있으신분 INQUIRY 바랍니다.

일반 콤퓨터 업무, Quickbook 등 회계관련 프로그램 좀 이해하셔야 하고, 능력 / Performance 에 따라 커미션등 높은 수익 보장드립니다.


2. 총무 담당 Position

총무, 인사, 회계등 회사 내부업무 담당자

Quickbook 등 회계관련 프로그램 경력자 우대





Sales Rewards

 1. Achievement Reward

                    * Reward:

                    Top sales rep of the month: basic 10% plus extra 5% for the portion over $30,000/month. ( Total 15%)

                     1st Runner-Up     4% of over $30,000       Wigs

                                               2% of over $30,000       Extensions

                    Others                  2% of over $30,000       Wigs

                                                1% of over $30,000       Extensions

 **** Achievement Reward  will be awarded equally to General Admin in average of all sales reps’ Achievement Reward.

           * Special Rewards:

 A) Cruise ticket

                   ~$1,500 worth in cruise ticket

                    Sales Rep. who achieves first sale over $50,000

                     ~$1,000 worth in cruise ticket

                    Sales Rep. who achieves second sale over $50,000

B) Owning a Car

           ~$20,000 worth automobile

           Sales Rep. who achieves sale over $70,000 for 3 months consecutively

 C)      *Monthly Recruiting Champion:

                    - Open 5 new accounts in the given month

                    - Sale above $100 per account, total sale above $1,000 (Cash in base)

           *Reward: Gift cards worth more than $50 per account (max $500 per month)



WIG USA, INC. Champion Prizes

 A) County Champion ($500 - One Time)

  - Anybody who achieves 3 consecutive months of $30,000+/mo

 B) Double County Champion ($1,000 - One Time)

  - Anybody who achieves 6 consecutive months of $30,000+/mo

 C) State Champion ($1,000 - One Time)

  - Anybody who achieves 3 consecutive months of $30,000+/mo

  (Cruise award included on top)

 D) Double State Champion ($2,000 - One Time)

  - Anybody who achieves 6 consecutive months of $50,000+/mo

 E) National Champion ($10,000 - One Time)

  - Anybody who achieves 6 consecutive months of $70,000+/mo

  (Automobile award included on top)

 F) Double National Champion ($20,000 - One Time)

  - Anybody who achieves 12 consecutive months of $70,000+/mo

 G) World Champion ($25,000 - One Time)

  - Anybody who achieves 6 consecutive months of $100,000+/mo

 H) Double World Champion ($50,000 - One Time)

  - Anybody who achieves 12 consecutive months of $100,000+/mo



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