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지금 멕시코에서 미국으로 들어올 수 있나요?

샌디에 2 1995

급한 마음에 이곳에 질문글을 올립니다.

직원분께서 지난주에 일때문에 멕시코에 가셨는데 일을 마치고 이번주내로 들어오셔야하는데,

들어오는데 문제는 없을까요? 

글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
-o Savage 2020.03.23  

"Officials on both sides of the border stressed that the travel restrictions, which go into effect Saturday, would not impede lawful trade and commerce — everything from food and fuel to healthcare and medicines. Additionally, people who cross the border for work, medical appointments or to pursue education would not be impacted as long as they have the proper authorization."
샌디에 2020.03.23  
너무 감사합니다.