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help (딸 전학 등등)

백두 0 2865
I am going to UCSD, The graduate school for International
Relations and Pacific Areas, maybe from January 2005 to April 2006.

I will bring my daughter and wife.
My daughter born on October,30 1993 and in 5-th grade elementary student
I've taken some information.
For eaxmple, If l live in the UCSD neighborhood, she will go to Doyle Elementary school.

l have some questions and want help.

(1) Due to the difference between American system and Korean system,
I am not sure at which grade my daughter will be located.
I am wondering if she has to graduate June 2005 or not ...

<* I have sent e-mail to Doyle Elementary school, but disconnect until now>

(2) My family don’t speak English very well.
Is there any special aid for people like my family?

Could you help me please?
My e-mail address < coyoon@empal.com.>
Thank you!

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