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Administrative Assistant

Joyce 0 1212

저희 Green Energy Innovations (GEI)  미주지역  뉴욕에서20,000 이상의 프로젝트를 성공적으로 시공한, 앞서가는 친환경 절전형 조명시스템  전문 시공업체입니다.


저희는 소규모 비지니스는 물론 학교, 병원, 교회, 오피스 빌딩, 공원, 자동차 딜러, 그리고 쇼핑몰 , 대규모 기업에 이르기까지 절전사업을 제공하고 있습니다.


에디슨 전력회사로부터 절전시스템 시공업체 1위로 선정되었습니다.(2011~2013년까지)
세부사항은 www.geinnovations.org  참조.


Office Location:  San Diego, CA 92102.

Title: Administrative Assistant

* Job Description: 
- Assist project coordinators
- Assist sales team
- Accurately enters, tracks and coordinates orders

* Qualification: 
- Korean/English Bilingual
- Strong written and verbal skills
- Proficient in MS Word, Excel, Power Point and Adobe

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm 

Please send your resume to hr@geinnovations.org   

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