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Online tutoring SAT, ACT and (AP) test

Shane 0 2020
My name is Luke Renner, a test prep tutor who has spent the last seven years helping students prepare for all sections of the SAT and ACT as well as the English Literature and Language Advanced Placement (AP) tests. My six years as a tutor has not only given me a unique understanding of the dozens of skills students need in order to succeed at standardized tests, but also a keen intuition into how to effectively develop these skills within my clients.

In 2012, to carve out even more availability during those precious after-school hours, I stopped seeing my students in-home and moved exclusively online. I now teach students from all over the world using my webcam, a digital whiteboard, and a number of online worksheets and youtube videos that I helped create. This SAT Test Prep curriculum employs the very best practices and tips for all three sections and with it, I am pleased to report that my private students are currently averaging a 370 point increase in their scores.

To receive more information about private tutoring and test prep, please phone me directly at 310.889.8510 or visit me online at www.skypetestprep.com.

I look forward to working with you!
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