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Need Help with English?

-oo young choi 1 1269

I am an English teacher at the Korean Senior Center. The class is open two hours a day between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM and five days a week from Monday through Friday. Any person is welcome. The levels are anywhere from the beginner's to semi-advanced. Do you need someone to translate your mails or letters? Do you need to apply for green cards or citizenship? I can help you to fill out those application forms for free. I am a volunteer for all those. Good luck with your English!  John



글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
-ra Jo 2017.08.17  
Hi John, I have been looking for someone who can look at my writing and help with that. I am a single subject teaching credential in math candidate, and I need to take the CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills) and pass. Feel free to contact me to arajo0423@gmail.com