비지니스 코너

1,8 Mil sports bar restaurant with new building

부동산사랑 0 6194 0 0

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레스토랑 이름은 WPNT SPORTS BAR AND GRILL next to Petco park.입니다. 건물과 함께 3.7인데 좋은 가격에 살 수 있음


1. site address is 315 north 10Th ave San Diego, Ca.


2. Building is 4450 sq ft  and the owner paid $2.2m several years ago , new building.


3. The sports bar and grill tenant paid $1.5m in tenant  improvements. Full kitchen , turn key operation. TV include glass and dishs.


4. The tenant move out and the property owners is selling the Building and the Restaurant for around 2 m


5. The bank who holds the 1st TD on the building.


6. Cash 가 좋습니다. 그러나 lender가 15% cash down $270k 하면

그레딧 좋으면 가능


7. Financing loan at  6%  amortize over 25 years  ,monthly payment is around 11,000 estimate


관심있으신분 연락바람
Kareic Real Estate & Investment
619-370-7199 or joepark@kareic.com

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