비지니스 코너

TOEFL/TESOL/ESL - 공개 무료 강좌 (매주 금요일 9:00-1:00)

TravelUniversit 1 9709 0 0
(윗, 수업을 받은 학생들 모습; 아래, 넓고 편리한 주차장 - 무료)

24년 동안 관광/여행 및 International Business 분야에서 우수한 인재를 양뵉?온 Travel University 는 샌디에고 지역의 Community Service 와 영어 교육을 필요로 하는 분들을 위해서 공개 강좌 (무료)를 열게 되었습니다.

매주 금요일 9:00 - 1:00 (4시간) ESL/TOEFL/TESOL 강좌에 관심을 갖고 계신 모든 분들은 무료로 수강 하실 수 있습니다.


일시: 매주 금요일, 오전 9시 - 오후 1시
기간: 2008년 12월 31일까지 (추가로 연장할 수도 있습니다.)
장소: Travel University
        3870 Murphy Canyon Rd. Suite 310, San Diego, CA 92123
비용: 무료
주차장: 무료 (넓은 주차 공간 확보)
내용: Conversation, TOEFL 및 TESOL 강좌 안내
대상:  관심있으신 분 누구나
연락처: 858-292-9755

참고로, TESOL (학위 및 자격증 과정)은 오는 4월초에 새롭게 Open 하기 위해서 준비하고 있습니다.

Jodi Baker - SDSU English 전공 (학사 및 석사 학위), 현재 Grossmont 대학 강사 겸임
Amber Toland - SDSU English 전공 (학사 및 석사 학위), 현재 Grossmont 대학 강사 겸임
Tami Barker - George Fox 대학 학사, TESOL 석사 과정중

현재 TESOL 석사 과정을 공부하고 계신 또 다른 ESL Instructor 를 소개합니다.  Ms. Barker 는 토플 준비반을 맡아서 수고하시게 됩니다. 

Tami Barker


Grand Canyon University, MA (TESOL) degree - Presently Attending
George Fox University, BA degree - April 2000
Chemeketa Community College,  AA degree - September 1998


International House of Blues Foundation
Art Tour Guide
August 2007 to Present
Art Tour Guide for the International House of Blues Art Foundation.  Providing tours to K-12 grades throughout the school year.  Assisting with fundraising and grant writing projects.

Salvation Army/Kroc Center
Art Instructor
May 2007 to Present
Teaching mosaics and decoupage to young students on a part time evening basis.

Brainfuse Online Instruction
Online Tutor
January 2007 to Present
I tutor K-5 grade students in reading, writing and mathematic subjects.  Presently, I am working with 3 students on a regular basis.  The lessons are pre-arranged, however, I do have a choice in selection and I write daily progress reports for each student.

Toledo Public Library
Library Clerk
August 2005 to August 2006
Filing books in proper library sequence.  Assisting the public with the use of the internet and retrieval of library materials.  Participating in summer literacy program.

Toledo Art Walk Committee Fundraiser
Grant Writer, Fundraiser
November 2005 to May 2006 (Volunteer Position)
Drafting and finalizing a one-page fundraising letter sent out to 110 individual businesses in the Lincoln County area and completing grant proposals.  Our projected budget for the 2005/2006 year was set at $7,154.00 and we raised $6,500.00 in fundraising and grant efforts.

The Funky Monkey Mosaic Gallery
Mosaic Instructor and Owner of Mosaic Art Studio
May 2003 to October 2005
Self-Employed business of Mosaic Art and teaching Mosaic Art practices.  I held community based classes four times a year.  Each class was approximately 4 weeks in length, one night a week at 2 hours for each session.  Average class size consisted of 12 to 18 students, included a curriculum based over view with hand-out information on products, materials and techniques.  This business continues to exist on line and through community classes: www.mosaicforms.com.

Dr. Jose Luis Canale Escalante
San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico
English Academic Tutor 
May 2001 to September 2001
While living in San Carlos Mexico, I worked privately for a Doctor teaching his 8 year old son basic English language skills.  I planned a curriculum of field trips involving plant and animal studies.  I used simple methods of teaching numbers and letters by using flash cards and internet games.  This young child was fluent in English, French and Spanish.

Chemeketa Community College
Assessment Counselor
September 1994 to September 1995  (Scholarship Position)
Provided college and community based resources and services to ABE/G.E.D. and Life-skills students.  Served as resource personnel in referring students with personal, social, or academic concerns to the appropriate department heads.  In the Counseling department, I provided career and academic assessment through computerized data system for academic placement and enrollment purposes. 

Carlton Elementary School
Teaching Assistant (3rd and 5th grade classrooms)
September 1993 to June 1993 (volunteer Position)
Providing classroom assistance, grading papers, reading and journal writing exercises with students, creating a user friendly in class library system and assisting with field trips and school activities.

[이 게시물은 sdsaram님에 의해 2008-02-06 09:55:33 에스디사람닷컴 미국 샌디에고 타운 자유게시판(으)로 부터 이동됨]

글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
TUI 2008.02.06  
본교는 호텔/여행/국제 비지니스 분야에서 자격증, 준학사, 학사 및 석사 학위를 수여하는 미 정부 인증 학교로서 24년간 샌디에고 지역에서 인재를 양성해 왔습니다.  학생들 뿐만 아니라 지역 사회에 그동안의 격려에 보답하고자 하는 마음으로 시작하게 되었습니다.