비지니스 코너

"대한독립만세!!!" at the SEA WORLD(3/1,일요일)

풍물학교 2 3833 0 0

Banner for the upcoming Seaworld "大韓獨立萬歲' 

"Performance (3/1, SUN, 1:30pm & 3:30pm) AT SEA WORLD!!! 

제 96주년 삼일절을 맞아..., 

샌디에고 한미노인회, 상공회의소 & 풍물학교에서는 

'대한독립만세大韓獨立萬歲' * 3 => '만세 삼창' 행사를 

샌디에고 최고의 명소! 씨월드에서 갖습니다. 2015년 3월 1일 정오...,

 다같이 외쳐봅시다!   'Manseh' 

대한독립만세! 대한독립만세! 대한독립만세!!! 


1919년 3월 1일 '기미 선언문'은..., 
미국이 영국에 선언했던 것과 같은 '독립'선언문이 아니구요.., 
원래부터..., 일본보다 먼저..., 독립국이였고, 자주민이였던..., 
조선의 독립국임과 자주민임을 선언한 날입니다! 

“오등(吾等)은 자(慈)에 아(我) 조선(朝鮮)의 독립국(獨立國)임과 조선인(朝鮮人)의 자주민(自主民)임을 선언(宣言)하노라” 

"한일 합방 조약(韓日合邦条約)이 맺어진 것은 1910년 8월 22일이며 
이 조약이 공포되어 공식적으로 한국의 주권이 없어진 날은 1910년 8월 29일이다. 
광복이 1945년 8월 15일이었으니까 기간으로 따져보면 정확히 35년에서 14일이 모자라는 기간이다. 

즉 공식적인 일제 강점기는 일제 36년이 아니구...,
34년 과 351일 정도 되는 것이다." 감사합니다. 

샌디에고 한국 풍물학교

글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
***대남부 뉴져지 한인회에서 제작한 '삼일절 기념식 홍보' 동영상입니다.


March 1st Movement (삼일절) presented by The Greater Southern New Jersey Korean American Association produced by Light & Salt Media Ministry Production and narrated by Adeline Cho (age 11).
March First Movement or (samil movement) refers to an event that began on March 1, 1919. On this day in Korea, the Declaration for Korean Independence was signed by 33 Korean leaders and was proclaimed publicly at Pagoda Park in Seoul. After Japan took over Korea in 1910, they ruled Korea with intolerable aggression and brutality. On March 1st, 1919 Koreans who were tired of their oppressive rule made an outcry for independence. Numerous demonstrations for national independence erupted throughout the country. The Japanese authorities trying to regain tight control reacted with brutality. Many Koreans died, many were imprisoned and many were left injured from participating in the movement. Among those that died was a teenage Christian girl named Yu Kwan Soon who was just 18 years old. She was one of the leaders of her town and province. Her strong passion and conviction inspired many to join in the independence movement.
Koreans did not gain freedom from this event but the Japanese authorities loosened their tight grip and allowed Koreans to write and distribute Korean literature and to gather and meet. Japanese rule ended when they lost WWII in 1945.
March 1 since 1949, was designated a national holiday to commemorate the courageous demonstration of national spirit and to remember the sacrifice of those who died and suffered for the independence movement. Today Koreans on this day distribute Korean flags and shout Mansei which means long live our country.
Their painful struggles; their resilient patriotism; their brave sacrifice; and their persistant hope -
paved the way for ALL Koreans' independence spirit to be free!
뉴져지한인회 2015.02.25  
***뉴져지 한인회에서 제작한 '삼일절' 유툽 동영상입니다.
