비지니스 코너

2010 Hope Church VBS (6/22~6/25)

소망교회 0 8505 0 0


2010 여름성경학교(6/22-25)

주제: Egypt - Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace

기간: 2010 6 22()-25() 오후 4-8

장소: 샌디에고 소망교회

대상: 2세반부터 5학년까지

참가비: 자녀 $35, 자녀 $60, 세자녀 $90.

VBS T-shirts 찬양CD 1개를 드립니다.

(CD  추가시 1개당 $5) 당일등록은 1인당 $40.

(checks payable to Korean Hope Church of San Diego)


Theme: Egypt - Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace

When: June 22 thru 25 (T-F), 2010 4:00 – 8:00 pm

Where: Korean Hope Church of San Diego

Who: 2.5 years old to 5th Grade

Registration Fee: 1 Child ($35), 2 Children ($60), 3 Children ($90),

($40 per person for on-site registration),VBS T-shirts and 1 praise CD included with registration ($5 per extra CD).

Checks payable to Korean Hope Church of San Diego 



<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />Korean Hope Church of San Diego, 4665 Mercury St. San Diego, CA 92111

전화 (phone):858-292-0999, Fax:858-292-0779,


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