초, 중등생 자녀의 일기 쓰기에 도움 되는 주제들


  1. I know It’s spring when…
  2. People think about spring as a time for new beginnings – what is something you would like to start doing this spring?
  3. Why does spring symbolize birth?
  4. Describe something you experience with each of your senses in spring
  5. What changes could you make beginning in spring?
  6. Fresh starts at spring are a great time to…
  7. If you could plant a garden of anything, what would be in it?
  8. When everything turns green, I think about…
  9. Why do you think baseball is an American tradition?
  10. Do you ever celebrate May Day? How could you create a May Day tradition?
  11. The prettiest kinds of flowers are…
  12. The best game to play outside in the spring
  13. Do you ever feel happier during the springtime because of the sun?
  14. If I had to describe spring in one word, it would be __________
  15. My favorite place to go in the springtime is…
  16. Have you ever noticed that “April showers bring May flowers”?
  17. What would it be like if summer vacation was in spring instead?
  18. My favorite season of the year is…
  19. What is your favorite memory from spring break?
  20. Memorial Day is an important holiday because…

  21. The best thing to do during spring is…
  22. Do you ever miss winter once spring starts?
  23. Where is the best spot to hide Easter eggs?
  24. When I see baby animals, I think of…
  25. Something fun to do on April fool’s day
  26. What if the weather was like spring all year long?
  27. What are you most excited to see bloom in the spring?
  28. A sunny day makes me feel…
  29. What’s your favorite thing to do in the rain?
  30. What are you planning to do this summer?
  31. What does spring fever mean?
  32. Do you like the rain in spring?
  33. If you could replace spring with any other season, would you?
  34. Spring is a time for…
  35. What is the best Easter candy?
  36. Why do people celebrate St. Patrick’s day?
  37. If you were drawing a picture of spring, what would it look like?
  38. Write a story about an animal born in spring
  39. Do you jump in puddles when you see them?
  40. Going to the park for the first time in the spring
  41. What’s your favorite spring fruit or vegetable?
  42. When do you start swimming in the spring?
  43. What springtime means to me
  44. Do you feel love in the spring air?
  45. Why is green such an important spring color?
  46. Spring brings lots of excitement, but is it too hard to wait for summer?
  47. The best spring holiday
  48. My favorite thing about warm weather is…
  49. What do you feel like when it snows in the springtime?
  50. For mother’s day, I will…
  51. Spring cleaning is a time to get rid of old things – what could you spring clean in your room?
  52. What will you do this year for spring break?
  53. Describe your perfect spring day