
마스터 코랄에 대한 질문요....

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샌디에이고 한인 마스터 코랄과 San Diego Master Chorale과 어떤 관계인가요? 같은 이름을 쓰는걸로 봐서는 Korean Chapter가 아닐까 생각되는데 궁금하네요.
글쓴이에게 쪽지보내기
SDKMC 2005.03.05  
San Diego KOREAN Master Chorale consists of Korean people.
Both groups are non-profit corporations. However, there is no direct relations between them.
SDKMC meets every Monday 7:30 p.m. at Hanbit Church for practice with the NEW conductor--pastor Kim.
SDKMC is also looking for NEW members for coming performance.
More questions?--- plz call 858.449.5778.